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Kubernetes per Sviluppatori

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Kubernetes per Sviluppatori

In questo corso di formazione su Kubernetes per Sviluppatori, gli studenti imparano come contenere, ospitare, distribuire e configurare un'applicazione in un cluster multi-nodo.


  • Impara a contenere e distribuire un nuovo script Python.
  • Comprendi e configura la distribuzione con ConfigMaps, Secrets e SecurityContexts.
  • Comprendi il design di pod multi-container.
  • Impara a configurare sonde per la salute del pod.
  • Impara ad aggiornare e ripristinare un'applicazione.
  • Comprendi come implementare servizi e impostare NetworkPolicies.
  • Impara come utilizzare PersistentVolumeClaims per la persistenza dello stato.


  1. Kubernetes Core Concepts
  2. Kubernetes Basics
  3. What is Kubernetes?
  4. Container Orchestration
  5. Kubernetes Architecture
  6. Kubernetes Concepts
  7. Cluster and Namespace
  8. Nodes
  9. Master
  10. Pod
  11. Using Pods to Group Containers
  12. Label
  13. Label Syntax
  14. Annotation
  15. Label Selector
  16. Replication Controller and Replica Set
  17. Service
  18. Storage Volume
  19. Secret
  20. Resource Quota
  21. Authentication and Authorization
  22. Routing
  23. Docker Registry
  24. Summary
  25. Kubernetes Architecture
  26. Architecture Diagram
  27. Components
  28. Kubernetes Cluster
  29. Master Node
  30. Kube-Control-Manager
  31. Nodes
  32. Other Components
  33. Interacting with Kubernetes
  34. Summary
  35. Build
  36. What is Docker
  37. Where Can I Run Docker?
  38. Docker and Containerization on Linux
  39. Linux Kernel Features: cgroups and namespaces
  40. The Docker-Linux Kernel Interfaces
  41. Containerizing an Application
  42. Building a Docker Images using Dockerfile
  43. Sample Dockerfile
  44. Environment Variables
  45. Environment Variables - Example
  46. Arguments
  47. Multi-stage Builds
  48. Stop at a Specific Build Stage
  49. RUN
  50. EXPOSE
  51. COPY
  52. ADD
  53. CMD
  56. VOLUME
  57. Build the Image
  58. .dockerignore
  59. Dockerfile – Best Practices
  60. Published Ports
  61. Docker Documentation
  62. Docker Registry
  63. Hosting a Local Registry
  64. Deploying to Kubernetes
  65. Running Commands in a Container
  66. Multi-Container Pod
  67. Summary
  68. Design
  69. Traditional Applications
  70. Virtual Machines
  71. Containerized Applications
  72. Decoupled Resources
  73. Transience
  74. Flexible Framework
  75. Application Resource Usage
  76. Measuring Resource Usage
  77. Docker Resource Usage Statistics
  78. Docker Container Resource Constraints
  79. Docker Run Command Resource Flags
  80. Using Label Selectors
  81. Equality Based Label Selector
  82. Set Based Label Selector
  83. Multi-Container Pods
  84. Sidecar Container
  85. Sidecar Container Uses
  86. Adapter Container
  87. Summary
  88. Deployment Configuration
  89. Introduction to Volumes
  90. Container OS file system storage
  91. Docker Volumes
  92. Kubernetes Volumes
  93. Volume Specs
  94. K8S Volume Types
  95. Cloud Resource Types
  96. emptyDir
  97. Using an emptyDir Volume
  98. Other Volume Types
  99. Persistent Volumes
  100. Creating a Volume
  101. Persistent Volume Claim
  102. Persistent Volume
  103. Pod that uses Persistent Volume
  104. Dynamic Volume Provisioning
  105. Requesting Dynamic Storage
  106. Secrets
  107. Creating Secrets from Files
  108. Creating Secrets from Literals
  109. Using Secrets
  110. configMaps
  111. Creating configMaps from Literals
  112. Creating configMaps from files
  113. Using configMaps
  114. Security Context
  115. Security Context Usage
  116. Deployment Configuration Status
  117. Replicas
  118. Scaling
  119. Rolling Updates
  120. Summary
  121. Security
  122. Security Overview
  123. API Server
  124. API & Security
  125. ~/.kube/config
  126. Kubernetes Access Control Layers
  127. Authentication
  128. Authorization
  129. ABAC Authorization
  130. ABAC - Policy Format
  131. ABAC - Examples
  132. RBAC Authorization
  133. Role and ClusterRole
  134. Role - Example
  135. ClusterRole - Example
  136. RoleBinding and ClusterRoleBinding
  137. RoleBinding - Example
  138. ClusterRoleBinding - Example
  139. Authorization Modes - Node
  140. Authorization Modes - ABAC
  141. Admission Controller
  142. Network Policies
  143. Network Policies - Examples
  144. Network Policies - Pod Isolation
  145. Network Policies - Internet Access for Pods
  146. Network Policies - New Deployments
  147. Summary
  148. Exposing Applications
  149. Kubernetes Services
  150. Service Resources
  151. Service Type
  152. ClusterIP
  153. NodePort
  154. NodePort from Service Spec
  155. LoadBalancer
  156. LoadBalancer from Service Spec
  157. ExternalName
  158. Accessing Applications
  159. Service Without a Selector
  160. Ingress
  161. Ingress Resource Example
  162. Ingress Controller
  163. Service Mesh
  164. Summary
  165. Troubleshooting Kubernetes
  166. Troubleshooting Overview
  167. Objects in Kubernetes
  168. Relationships in Kubernetes
  169. Operations in Kubernetes
  170. Understanding the Issue
  171. Troubleshooting Tools
  172. Troubleshooting Commands
  173. Troubleshooting Pods
  174. Troubleshooting the Cluster
  175. Cluster Failure Modes
  176. Monitoring
  177. Monitoring Applications
  178. Accessing Logs
  179. Logging Tools
  180. Conformance Testing
  181. Summary
  182. Lab Exercises
  183. Lab 1. Creating a Docker Account and Obtain an Access Token
  184. Lab 2. Configuring Minikube/Kubernetes to Use a Custom Docker Account
  185. Lab 3. Getting Started with Kubernetes
  186. Lab 4. Building a Docker Image with Dockerfile
  187. Lab 5. Deploying to Kubernetes
  188. Lab 6. Implementing the Sidecar Pattern
  189. Lab 7. Deploying Applications
  190. Lab 8. Implementing RBAC Security
  191. Lab 9. Accessing Applications
  192. Lab 10. Troubleshooting

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